Digital Outcomes 6 has opened its doors for applications! This means suppliers can now apply to be listed on the 6th iteration of the framework, which is due to go Live in August. Suppliers have until 24th February to apply.
What is the timeline for DO6?

Missed our recent DO6 webinar? You can watch it for free now!
What should I do now?
If you’re a supplier who wants to get on to Digital Outcomes, you’ll need to make sure you’ve got a Digital Marketplace account. Then, you can make your application for the framework. It should be pretty straightforward!
Once you’ve got your application in, then comes the real planning. Suppliers should be looking at how to really place Digital Outcomes 6 into their Public Sector Strategy. After all, getting listed is just the start. Take the time before it goes Live to learn and prepare – across all of your teams.