With technology rapidly evolving, the UK Government and wider public sector are constantly looking to procure innovative solutions. Suppliers looking to partner with the public sector must stay on top of routes to market. We’ve been shouting about 2024 for a while as several key procurement frameworks are being re-let. It’s very rare that they would all fall in the same year! Here’s what you need to know about the technology frameworks shaping this year’s procurement landscape.
G-Cloud 14
G-Cloud is the most successful Crown Commercial Service framework. It is the single largest framework for suppliers to access the public sector and has been operating since 2012. Since then, over £16 billion worth of contracts have been signed through the framework. 40% of this spend has been through SME providers. Both 2022 and 2023 saw a huge spend of around £3 billion each.
G-Cloud 14 opened for supplier applications Monday 19th February 2024 with the following Lot structure:
- Cloud Hosting (PaaS, IaaS): This Lot is for cloud platform or infrastructure services.
- Cloud Software (SaaS): This Lot is for software typically accessed over a public or private network e.g. the internet and hosted in the cloud.
- Cloud Support: This is for the supply of support services regarding cloud hosting or cloud software. It is also suitable for maintaining buyers’ cloud infrastructures, migration services and ongoing support.
- End-to-end cloud services support. This is for larger-scale transition projects that feature planning, setup, migration, security services, ongoing support and more. Unlike Lots 1-3, Lot 4 does not feature direct award capability. It sits separately from the other Lots, almost operating as a separate framework in itself.
Suppliers have until 7th May for Lots 1-3 and 27th March for Lot 4. Go Live is expected 29th October 2024.
Digital Outcomes and Specialists 7
Digital Outcomes and Specialists (or DOS), is part of Crown Commercial Service’s (CCS) Digital Strategy for UK Government. It is the prime agreement under this strategy, providing a route to market for suppliers offering outcome-based technology services. Mainly around: Design, performance analysis and data, security, service delivery, software development, support and operations, testing and auditing, user research, user experience and design. It also is a way for providers to supply teams and individuals to carry out projects for UK Gov.
A lot has yet to be confirmed for the 7th iteration. However, Crown Commercial Service have highlighted in their pipeline the procurement start date of September 2024. We understand it might reincorporate some of the scope that branched out into other frameworks, such as Digital Programmes & Specialists, during Digital Outcomes 6. This is just our guess though, as Digital Capability for Health (another offshoot from DOS) is still in the pipeline. Whatever may happen with this one, though, we don’t doubt that it’ll be one of the biggest 2024 technology frameworks!
Technology Services 4
Technology Services frameworks are always on our radar. They’re highly valuable and a great way for suppliers of services to reach their target markets. On Technology Services 3, Tussell identified 294 individual call-off contracts associated with the framework. This adds up to a whopping £3bn in total – that’s huge!
It is largely used by Central Government departments, with HMRC, MoD, and Home Office being big users of this route to market. That’s not to say there aren’t a fair number of contracts coming from the health sector and local authorities, too!
You’ll also be interested to hear that Technology Services 3 wasn’t capped at how many suppliers could be taken on – although this doesn’t mean applications were easy! It ended up with over 250 suppliers. With half of those being SMEs, it caters to those who may usually get fewer opportunities!
We don’t know what the 4th iteration will look like just yet, as it’s still early days. However, if you take a look at Technology Services 3, which is currently Live, you can see what is in scope:
Lot 1: Technology Strategy and Service Design
Lot 2: Transition and Transformation
Lot 3a: Operational Services – End User Services
Lot 3b: Operational Services – Operational Management
Lot 3c: Operational Services – Technical Management
Lot 3d: Operational Services – Application and Data Management
Lot 4: Major Services Transformation Programmes
Lot 5: Service Integration and Management.
Applications for this one will be a bit later in 2024 – CCS has indicated September, intending to go Live in March 2025. Suppliers relevant for any of these Lots should add this framework to their pipeline; as each iteration tends to operate for 4 years, if you’re not ready to jump on this one then you’ll be losing out!
Network Services 4
Network Services is another of the big frameworks we work on with suppliers each year. It’s a valuable route to market for telecommunications providers and the primary way for public sector buyers to get their hands on everything from communication services, WAN and LAN, audio and video conferencing, and even IoT technology.
CCS originally planned for Network Services 3 to run for just 2 years, as opposed to the usual 4 years. It seems they have now backtracked on this and returned to the 4-year running framework, so we won’t see Network Services 4 this year as expected!
Mobile Voice and Data Services 2
The Mobile Voice and Data Services framework is for the provision of mobile voice and data services, as well as associated hardware. It incorporates hardware and services that support the wider public sector to access UK airtime and calls, SMS and data, international calling and data, device hardware, device management, and also associated services such as security.
The framework was introduced to replace the Public Sector Mobile Service Agreement in 2022. The scope came from the old Mobile Voice and Data Lot in the Network Services framework, and after a successful run for the first iteration (with a total value of all contracts at over £5m!), that Lot is now fully lifted out of Network Services for the foreseeable future.
The framework structure, if kept the same as the first iteration, will be as follows:
Lot 1: Mobile Voice and Data Services Catalogue
Lot 2: Mobile Voice and Data Solutions
Lot 3: Telecommunications Audit & Health Check
Lot 4: Professional Services
Lots 2 and 3 will include further competition. However, the possibility of Direct Award will be available for Lot 1 (it being a catalogue-style Lot), as well as 3 and 4. We expect the ITT release for this framework to take place after Network Services 4, which means it will be open for supplier applications late in 2024. In this case, the Go Live is expected in 2025.
Anything else to be aware of?
Suppliers that fit any of these frameworks should be using the time now to plan and set aside resources. As technology continues to drive transformation across all sectors, understanding and participating in the relevant public procurement frameworks is essential for suppliers looking to engage with this market.
Applying to any of the frameworks mentioned requires careful preparation and adherence to specific guidelines. As a general rule of thumb, we recommend suppliers run through this checklist when considering a route to market:
- Ensure your solutions meet the essential criteria outlined in the framework specification
- If the procurement process includes further competition, prepare comprehensive bids that clearly demonstrate the value and effectiveness of your solution
- Stay informed about deadlines and submission requirements to take advantage of opportunities
- Sustainability and social value – the world of procurement is no longer just about the product or service itself. With the shift from MEAT to MAT – ‘most economically advantageous tender’ to ‘most advantageous tender’ overall – buyers are looking for solutions that provide advantages to the environment, diversity and inclusion projects, and more.
- Engage early and often by keeping an eye out for the market engagement sessions. These forums can provide invaluable insights into the framework’s objectives, buyer priorities, and the competitive landscape, enabling you to tailor your proposals more effectively.
So that’s what’s to come this year – we’re so excited to get working with so many of you and help you become a success in the public sector procurement space. As we’ve said, all these huge frameworks rarely would align in the same 12 months. This year is really highlighting the strategic importance of these routes to market, as the suppliers who miss out can be waiting years before the framework(s) they’re relevant for may be re-let again.