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G-Cloud 13's new Lot 4

Amongst the waves of changes Crown Commercial Service are making to the Digital Marketplace, one you may have missed is about a new Lot 4 on G-Cloud 13.

CCS have recently established a new Lot on the staple route to market that is G-Cloud. And now confirmed (with buyers and suppliers waiting for it to go Live!), this arrived when G-Cloud 13 was announced.

What is Lot 4 on G-Cloud?

The Lot 4 on G-Cloud is for the provision of end-to-end cloud services. This is for larger scale transition projects, that feature planning, setup, migration, security services, ongoing support and more. Suppliers in this Lot will have to provide all of these provisions, for larger projects.

This category of G-Cloud is for further competition only too, and unlike Lots 1-3, does not feature direct award capability.


Will anything else change?

We saw big changes to the application process for this Lot. With new social value and net zero targets within government, suppliers were asked about these on application. So expect there to be quite a bit more work when it comes to submissions!

Also, G-Cloud’s Lot 4 doesn’t work on a listing submission basis. Suppliers will have to submit a tender in response to the framework (similar to traditional frameworks) – meaning we may see this Lot being capped and more competitive.


When will we see G-Cloud 13 Lot 4?

Lot 4 opened for applications on Weds 9th March 2022 and closed on Weds 18th May 2022. In line with Lots 1-3. However, the overall timeline does diverge from that of the rest of the framework. We’re still waiting for Lot 4 to go Live, though. It has hit several delays in getting it ready for launch.

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